New Home Builders
Services To New Home Buyers
Advise on builders and subdivisions
The Grove Team agent will provide information on recent sales and resales in the subdivision or area and advise as to their experience with particular builders.
Educate the buyer on development, construction, and new-home purchase processes
While not practicing law, an agent has experience with the contracts builders use and pointing out ways in which the contract provisions can surprise a buyer. An agent can assist in clarifying differences in the model home and in the standard home.
Help the buyer evaluate houses, lots, subdivisions, and locations
An agent can provide information as to pitfalls to avoid in building a home to maximize resale value.
Monitor the construction progress
An agent assists the buyer in working with the builder to stay on schedule.
Deal with buyer concerns and act as a buyer advocate
An agent can ask the hard questions and still preserve the relationship between the buyer and the builder.
Create and maintain a paper trail
An agent will be unrelenting in making sure that the paperwork necessary to protect the buyer’s interests is maintained. The sales contract written by the sales representative is usually not valid until accepted by corporate management—a process that may take weeks.
Arrange for independent inspections
An agent advises as to the importance of staged independent inspections.
Assist the buyer at closing
An agent makes sure that the buyer understands the procedures in closing and dealing with an outstanding issues.